You could be saying your family needs to eat healthier. And that you really want to. You might even know what you need to do. The desire is certainly there. You can’t wait for the benefits. But plaguing it all are the obstacles. What are they? Time. Money. Motivation. Picky Eaters. Expertise. Execution. The great news is help is here to overcome obstacles for a food reset!
Wondering how to tackle this food reset for your family? What should you focus on first? And what really works for you and your family? These are all valid concerns keeping us from trying or not allowing us to get very far once we begin. I’m Certified Personal Trainer Tina Parrish, and I will be outlining various approaches over the next few months to help you start and inspire your journey in a way that works for you. A plan getting you through the roadblocks without feeling overwhelmed by them.
Sound good so far? Super! We will also look at developing a mindfulness practice. Additionally, we will encourage your to follow “Influencers” whom authentically inspire you. Lastly, we will look at putting a plan in place that includes menu ideas, shopping lists, prep work, time management and how-to strengthen all these positive food reset habits. Unfortunately, obstacles will always be present. However, we can think together about how to best support you and your family. You all are worth it!
I’m looking forward to going on this journey with you. Please remember to sign up for the Wise Girl Workshops newsletter, where you receive great information on how to best support you and your daughter.