My talk on Raising Wise Girls: Helping Girls Develop Self-Esteem in the Age of Social Media was hosted by the Community Institute For Psychotherapy of Marin, a valuable resource offering low fee counseling and many great programs and training. The focus of this talk is on adolescent girls and self esteem, however, much of the information here can be adopted and get you thinking about your younger girl.
Over 100 parents joined us for the event, and I was so moved to see so many parents wanting to learn more about supporting their daughter. Growing Wise Girls is an endeavor and one I am so grateful many parents take seriously.
I hope you will watch this video, Raising Wise Girls: Helping Girls Develop Self-Esteem in the Age of Social Media, and then reach out to share with me what you are taking away. I’d also love to hear what you are wanting more of. I love to hear from the Wise Girl Workshop community. Feel free to send me any questions or thoughts here. It really does take a village! Thanks for letting me be part of yours!