Wise Kid Workshops is here to improve the classroom culture of students in 1st-8th grades through bringing a stellar social emotional learning curriculum to all gender classrooms. We also focus on parent learning through our Wellness Workshops for parents.
What is Social Emotional Learning?
Social Emotional Learning, according to the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning is “the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.”
At Wise Kid Workshops, we believe social emotional learning is just as necessary as skills like math and English. Because the reality is, when kids walk into the classroom, they are bringing their emotional lives through the door with them. They benefit to learn tools and strategies to help them manage emotions as well as develop life skills on how to handle the social aspects of life. Making friends, having boundaries, standing up for yourself and others, and how to be inclusive are valuable life skills to have beyond the typical subjects taught in school.
And what better place than the classroom to bring social emotional learning to? School offers the perfect environment for social emotional learning because there are other kids to practice and grow with. Schools also want to have a shared value system amongst their students, like respect and tolerance, and social emotional learning helps addresses these vital values.
In addition, Wise Kid Workshops also offers a parenting workshops to help parents develop skills and strategies to support their child in living well.
Check out all we have to offer!
Tolerance, Acceptance, Respect, and Kindness (TARK) Workshop Series for 1st-8th Grades
Do you have a classroom who could benefit from creating a culture of students who participate in tolerant, accepting, respectful, kind, and upstanding behaviors and attitudes?
Are you concerned about how the children in their classroom and school are treating one another?
Could the kids benefit from a tune up in a fun way on how to treat one another well?
If so, then Wise Kid Workshops’s TARK Workshop Series could be a great addition to your classroom. This workshop is designed for those in 1st-8th grades and takes into account the developmental needs of each age.
Designed for all genders, this in classroom workshop addresses the goal of creating a culture of students who participate in respectful, tolerant, accepting, kind, and upstanding behaviors and attitudes through the following objectives:
- Education on what tolerance, acceptance, respect, kindness, and upstanding behaviors and attitudes look like and how to implement these concepts into daily school life
- Developing effective communication skills to help students find their voice to address social situations
- Recognizing the differences in the behaviors of those being a bystander, an up stander, a bully, or being mean
- Learning about empathy to increase self-awareness and help students be better advocates for themselves and others
- Understanding the impact of words and actions, both positive and negative
- Each student will create a weekly intention to hold themselves accountable for their attitudes and behaviors
**We can work together to create goals and objectives addressing the specific needs of the classroom.**
Wellness Talks for Parents
Wise Kid Workshops also offers wellness talks to parents on topics like:
- Teen Sadness, Angst, and Depression Workshop
- How To Teach Your Tween/Teen the Importance of Balance, Boundaries, and Etiquette Online
- Helping Anxious Youth
- Developing Confident and Resilient Kids
If you are interested in hosting a Wise Kid Workshops program at your school, then please feel free to contact me here.