We’ve got a variety of workshops and services for girls, families, schools, and organizations.
Petaluma Summer Camp for girls entering grades 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 with emphasis on growing self-esteem and confidence as well as developing tools to live well!
School Year Wellness Workshop Series for grades 3/4, 5/6, and 7/8 meeting weekly with emphasis on growing girls developing life skill using our 8 Core Foundations of this program!
Wise Girl Adventures for girls of all ages, we have programs to help girls in self-esteem and confidence through outdoor adventures. Check out all our offerings today!
Girls In-Service for high school age girls who want to make a difference in the world through monthly service projects and monthly Core Foundation meetings.
Wise Parent Workshops including the monthly parent bookclub, the monthly meeting for parents with teens girls, and the Helping Worried Kids series for parents.
Wise Kid Workshops offers an ALL gender curriculum offering social emotional curriculum for schools and organizations.
Coaching offered to parents and girls
On-Demand Library has many great offerings for parents and facilitators.
On YouTube–Check out past workshops as well as parenting tips on how to parent at your best. Go ahead and subscribe today so you don’t miss a thing!