Girls In-Service is an amazing program for high school girls! With monthly workshops and service projects, your daughter is sure to grow!
Committing to 10 months of the program, girls meet for a kick-off retreat, one time per month for a Core Foundation meeting, and one time per month for a community service project. We have a lot of fun together as the girls grow close relationships despite coming from a variety of schools.
Core Foundation meetings are held the each month focusing on developing and utilizing the following Core Foundations of this program: Service, Purpose, Creativity, Leadership, and Wellness. Engaging in a variety of activities including craft projects, games, and group discussions, Girls In-Service members not only focus on the Foundations but also on receiving support from one another. Guest speakers also attend our meetings throughout the year to help our girls gain insight into careers, college, and how to live well.
Service projects typically happen on a Saturday or Sunday morning one time per month. We work with a vast amount of organizations to help girls gain insight into where they might find purpose and passion. Service mostly happens locally within Sonoma County. However, we also venture to projects in Marin County and San Francisco.
This year, the 9th and 10th grade cohort goes from October 2024-May2025. Girls commit to a full term of the program and do their best to show up to each Core Foundation meeting and service project.
11th and 12th Grade Girls In-Service Cohort
Our current Girls In-Service cohort hosts a group of 10th and 11th graders, who have been together since 8th-9th grades. They are in their 3rd year together. This cohort is currently full.
NEW 9th and 10th Grade Girls In-Service Cohort Starting October 5, 2024
We will have a new cohort of incoming freshman and sophomores starting in 2024. Our groups remain small to allow for meaningful connections and individualized attention.
Who- For girl/female identifying teens entering into 9th and 10th grade in Fall 2024
What- Join an amazing community focused on developing their purpose through life skills/knowledge, leadership, creativity, and volunteering while having fun building friendships. Girls will develop solid skills around wellness to prepare themselves for life during and post high school.
This impactful program has three components–
1–A kick-off retreat at Rusty Hinges Ranch in Petaluma complete with swimming designed for the ultimate bonding experience on October 5. This retreat is mandatory for participation.
2–Service Projects
3–Monthly Core Foundation Meetings
Day Time Retreat: Join us October 5 at Rusty Hinges Ranch for an awesome kick off retreat from 9AM-2PM. This will be the start of our amazing year together as girls build relationships to last a lifetime. This retreat sets the tone for our amazing year together.
Core Foundation Meetings: Girls will focus on Service-Leadership-Creativity-Purpose-Wellness. Using guest speakers and a variety of activities, girls will develop solid skills around wellness to prepare themselves for life post high school. Not only will she develop life skills, but she will also be in connection with her peers for support and in knowing she isn’t alone as she navigates the teen experience. The Core Foundation meetings are something the girls really love to engage with as they love having time to talk and get a break from the school day.
Monthly Service Projects- Girls will have the opportunity to help their community in a variety of ways to give girls experiences to contribute to something greater than themselves. Being in service builds confidence and esteem, and it will be a great resume builder for those going to college or heading out to the workforce post high school.
Why- Because all girls benefit from service, leadership, creativity, and finding purpose in their lives. In addition, she’ll build her resume for post high school endeavors.
Length of Program and Commitment- October 2024-May 2025 Girls are committing to signing up for the full term of the program upon registering. Ideally, girls will commit to the program for the duration of their high school years but it is not mandatory. This gives participants the opportunity to grow together in a meaningful way. Girls are committed to attending the monthly workshop series and 1 volunteer experience each month. We understand that the Girls In Service may conflict with other obligations, so we can be flexible in missing some events but ask girls to attend the majority of the events.
For example, during volleyball season, a participant may miss more workshops than usual but will get back to regular attendance once her season has ended.
When- The Kick-Off to Girls In Service workshop takes place on October 5, 2024 at Rusty Hinges Ranch from 9AM-2PM. This initial retreat brings girls together towards their common mission of Service-Leadership-Creativity-Purpose-Wellness. Thereafter, Core Foundation meetings are the 3rd Thursday of every month from 6-7:30PM. The program will commence on May 31, 2025 with the opportunity to continue with the program for another year starting in August 2025.
Core Foundation Meetings go from 6-7:30PM:
October 5 Kick Off meeting @ Rusty Hinges Ranch from 9AM-2PM
October 17, 2024 @ McKinley School
November 7, 2024 @ McKinley School (First Thursday of the month for just this meeting)
December 19, 2024 @ McKinley School
January 16, 2025 @ McKinley School
February 27, 2025 @ McKinley School (4th Thursday due to school closure on the 3rd Thursday)
March 20, 2025 @ McKinley School
April 17, 2024 @McKinley School
May 15, 2025 @McKinley School
A full schedule of volunteer opportunities will be available as scheduled.
Saturday October 12 Miracle League “Night Games” from 4:30PM-9PM @ Lucchesi Park in Petaluma where we will help kids with a variety of disabilities play baseball. There is no expectation to know how to play baseball–it’s just about helping kids have a really great time. Their games are usually on Saturday mornings but they are hosting some night games on this date that I thought would be fun for our girls to help with.
Saturday November 2 at Petaluma Bounty Farms from 9-12PM where we will work on the farm helping with gardening and farm tasks.
Saturday December 21– Downtown Bake Sale where members bake 2 dozen treats and we donate the proceeds to an organization of their choice.
January 2025-May 2025 events coming soon!
Where– Rusty Hinges Ranch 212 Chileno Valley Rd, Petaluma, CA 94952
McKinley School, 110 Ellis St, Petaluma, CA 94952
Transportation– We often carpool for service projects that are outside of Petaluma but know it is your responsibility to get your daughter to events/meetings if a carpool is unavailable.
Investment- The investment for the program is $150/month. You can opt to pay for the year in full or pay monthly.
For those paying monthly, you will be billed each month via Wave invoicing. Please feel free to set up automatic payment through wave or you can opt to pay manually each month.
Billing will begin on October 1 as the initial payment covers the retreat.
Please keep in mind, the monthly payment is broken up evenly for payment ease and does not reflect how many hours of the program are involved each month.
Cancellation- Full refunds given if cancelling by September 1, 2024. You must cancel by email to wisegirlworkshops@gmail.com. You are committed to paying the remainder of the balance if your daughter withdraws from the program before the end of the program year which for this current year is May 31, 2025. There are no refunds or credits given if cancelling thereafter. No refunds or credits given for missed dates.
Facilitated by- Facilitated by Sierra Dator, MSW, LCSW with over 23 years experience empowering girls and and other Wise GIrl Workshops facilitators.
Please note: This is not a therapy group. This is a wellness and coaching workshop.
For more info , please head to www.wisegirlworkshops.com
Questions can be sent to wisegirlworkshops@gmail.com
Ready to Register for the October 2024 9th and 10th Grade Cohort?
How to Get Involved
Want to look at what programs are enrolling for registration for parents and girls? Head to our registration page here. Would you like to talk to me more about Girls In-Service, then please contact us here.
Here’s to growing Wise Girls!