Wise Girl Adventures are designed for girls who are open to growing self-esteem and confidence, making new friends, challenging themselves, and having a really great time!
Wise Girl Adventure at Point Reyes in August 2025
Why Choose a Wise Girl Adventure?
Our outings are designed for girls who are open to growing self-esteem and confidence, making new friends, challenging themselves, and having a really great time!
Our mission is to build confidence (belief in her abilities) and self-esteem (belief in herself) through a 3 day peer based trip designed with fun activities including hiking, yoga, cooking, creativity, social-emotional learning activities, and small group community life.
What She Will Learn
Build self-esteem and confidence through challenging themselves in unique experiences
-Outdoor life is for everyone. You don’t need to be an expert athlete to enjoy the outdoors. Hiking and yoga are movements designed for everyone and can be accessed throughout their lifetime.
-Real life opportunities to work through challenging times
-How to celebrate success
– A yoga practice accompanied by principles to live by in daily life
-Developing a way of enjoying life beyond screens and the material world (no phones/devices are permitted on this trip)
-Understanding and practicing how to form new relationships
-Set up and take down camp life
-Cooking skills (they will participate in meal prep)
-Living out environmental principals of “Leave no trace” and “Leave environment better than what you found it.”
-Life skills on how to build self-esteem and confidence
The Details for August 2025 Adventures
Age Group
We have two Adventure offerings:
- Girls entering grades 9/10 in fall 2025 happens August 1-3, 2025
2. Girls entering grades 7/8 in fall 2025 happens August 8-10, 2025
Where and When
Drop off/Pick up will be at HI Point Reyes Hostel 1390 Limantour Spit Rd, Point Reyes Station, CA 94956
Drop off is on Friday of the trip @ 12PM
Pick up is on Sunday of the trip @ 12PM
We have reserved the Bunkhouse at the HI Point Reyes Hostel. We will have a private building with 2 Bunk Rooms, 1 Living Room area, and 2 Bathrooms with 2 private showers/2 private toilets/and sinks in each bathroom. Only Wise Girl Workshops participants will be allowed the bunkhouse.
We will be using a communal kitchen, patio, and dining area with other hostel patrons.
Here are some of the photos of Hostel.
The Limantour Lodge at Point Reyes National Seashore
Sample Itinerary:
There is no swimming on this trip given the unpredictable nature of this coastline.
Day 1
Orientation to our outing
Relationship building
Hike to beach
Set up bunk house
Intention Setting
Life Lessons on Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Connection
Day 2:
Intention Setting
Day Hike
Life Lessons on Confidence, Self-Esteem, and Connection
Beach Bonfire
Day 3:
Yoga-Intention Setting
Closing Ceremony
Your Investment and What’s Included
Included: 3 day/2night stay at the HI Point Reyes National Seashore Hostel, 6 fantastic meals and snacks with high quality food (which your daughter will have the option to participate in cooking with the group), all supplies, yoga, day hiking, and 28 hours of experienced group facilitation focused on developing self-esteem and confidence.
$625 (If registering before April 30, 2025) +booking fee
$649 (if registering after April 30, 2025) +booking fee
2 part payment plan available. Pay the first payment upon registering and subsequent payments due on June 1 with $20.00 booking fee attached to each payment.
**Packing list will be provided to you one month prior to outing
Not included
-Personal gear including daypack, sleeping bag, water bottle
Full refunds given if cancelling 80 days prior to August 1, 2025 You must cancel by email to wisegirlworkshops@gmail.com. You will be refunded the amount minus a $45 processing fee.
If cancelling 79-46 days prior to August 1 start date, half the cost is refunded
No refunds or credits given if cancelling 45 days before the trip.
Please note: Wise Girl Workshops is not a therapy group. There will be no diagnosis or assessment. This is a wellness and coaching workshop.
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